Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Our house

Just to give a small up-date about our house.... We are doing great, the two boys are doing well at school and they stay out of trouble, so we are very proud of them. By selling their necklaces they are able to provide themselfs with extra´s. One of the boys is starting with his drivers licences and the other one will start dance lessons. They are investing their money in things they are good at, what gives them reason, hope in their lives and realy enjoy. Soon my mom will come to visite us again, and all of us are looking forward to see her here in South Africa again. They call her Gogo (grandmother). For the moment we can not take more boys in the house which I regret because I know another boy who realy would like/need to live with us. He is trying on his own to make a better live for himself but it would be much better if he stays with us. He is 17 years old and has made some mistakes in his live already but is willing to leave everything for a better future. But I am sorry to say that financialy we can not effort to have another boy. If you or some one you know who can help us out please let me know, it will make a difference in their lives as I have seen with the boys in our house.

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