Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Start building workshop

O yes we started building the workshop. We got some wood and now we need to start the building. It is not as easy as it looks but with Gunters ideas we will get there. It needs to be finished by saturday 21st of june because we have a big event coming up. We invited a zulu lady who is going to tell her life story. In the zulu culture it is not allowed to talk about horrible things that happen in your life. But everyone has their story and think that they are alone. To break this chain we would like to let people talk. During the preperation we found out that there are even more people willing to talk, so we are letting even two other people telling their story. One of the other ladies is a white woman. It will be interesting to see different cultures telling their stories. After this event I am sure more people will come out to tell stories. It even happend during the preperation so "sadly" more will come.

Here some pictures of the start up building the workshop place:

Huib, visitor from Holland giving a big helping hand.

What am I doing? Making pictures and cleaning up.......someone has to do it..... ;-)

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