Friday, 27 June 2008

First garden Meeting Incognito Khulani Simuyne

What suposed to be a small garden meeting with three ladies telling their stories became a big event with around 125-150 people. It was a great experience.....We invited 3 ladies to tell their stories, to come out and show other people that it is ok to talk about things happening in your life. First lady talked about her life and dealing with the fact she has aids. Second lady talked about her experience being rapped by 4 men. Third lady talked about her abuse in her youth, continued by her husband abuse and how he also molested her daughter. All stories that are reality but no one "should" know. With letting them tell the stories it will help them to talk about it but also let people think and start talking about their lifes. The ladies all spook in their mother language and was translated by a friend of us. By each story you could hear the people responde. It does not matter if your black or white these stories happen to a lot of people in the world. Although the stories were sad there was also time to laugh and ofcourse singing and dancing.

The three brave ladies and the translator (white blouse)

People listening

Dancing and singing
First garden meeting and it was a great succes.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Even in bad weather they go on

Even in South Africa it can be bad weather. Rain Fog and it´s cold!!!!

But the boys go on........

You can not help everyone

Yesterday we went to delivery some other beds to two different families of a friend of us. This friend of us has a organisation for Orphan kids. We went (Huib, Jill and I) with him to the first family. A lady who worked with him in a township helping children in the township. At this moment she helps a lady with a baby from Zimbabwe. They have to be pretected due to the xenophobic attacks within south africa. We placed the bed and the kids loved it. Then we wanted to go and place the second bed in an other township but we were told that it´s better not to do it. It was for a 21 year old girl that has two children. We have been told she will sell the bed to get alcoholic drinks. Last time she received blankets and food and she sold half of it. Our friend told us that he will make sure he will help this woman and get her to a place where they will take care of her and her children. Bringen a bed will not be the solution, the bed will be placed at another house soon. 21 year old, being abused all your live by your father, having two children and thinking live is not worth living for.......that makes you think.......

The bed for the boys:

Start building workshop

O yes we started building the workshop. We got some wood and now we need to start the building. It is not as easy as it looks but with Gunters ideas we will get there. It needs to be finished by saturday 21st of june because we have a big event coming up. We invited a zulu lady who is going to tell her life story. In the zulu culture it is not allowed to talk about horrible things that happen in your life. But everyone has their story and think that they are alone. To break this chain we would like to let people talk. During the preperation we found out that there are even more people willing to talk, so we are letting even two other people telling their story. One of the other ladies is a white woman. It will be interesting to see different cultures telling their stories. After this event I am sure more people will come out to tell stories. It even happend during the preperation so "sadly" more will come.

Here some pictures of the start up building the workshop place:

Huib, visitor from Holland giving a big helping hand.

What am I doing? Making pictures and cleaning up.......someone has to do it..... ;-)

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

People within the community helping each other

On saturday we were invited to visite a friend. He lives with his family in a township in the beautifull Valley of trust. He lives there with his wife and two kids and mother in law. They have a little house but already give to 5 orphan kids a roof above their heads. During the day, one of the rooms (what is already dining room and bedroom) is used for the orphan kids, (27 kids !!!!!!) of the whole community, as a pre school. He, and with help from people of the same township, teach the little kids some pre school stuff. So during the day the kids are not just hanging around out side. He also gives them food. He does this al for free, out of love. They have also a vegetable garden and they make their own bread and cakes. They also share it with the community and only accepts donations not payments. This is a Zulu family taking care of other people within their community. On saturday he had a day organisted for us and another couple to show what he does and what else he wants to do. And the children did some performances.
The children singing:


Drama about aids and abuse:

Dancing of the care givers:

After this great performance we were invited for lunch. Great south african food. Chicken and rice with salads. And the dessert were the home made cookies !!!!

We did not go there empty handed, we gave them some fruit, toys to make soap bubbles (donated by some friends from Madrid) and kids jewellery (donated by friends from the Netherlands) Thank you all....
Another beautiful day !!!!!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Agape 2008 will they remember me?

Yesterday I went to Agape. No expectations, just wanted to see how they are doing. I knew there will not be a lot of children around because we went during the day. Already from the out side the place looks much better and bigger. Once inside we went to the "kitchen" where as first saw Aunty Gogo.....She was in shock !! She smiled and started to say "I am so happy !!!!!" and ofcourse a big hug. THEY REMEMBERED ME !!!!! After that a lot of hugs from all the aunties.
I have made some pictures of how it looks now....They did a lot of work.

I also saw some kids back, as it was during the day only the little babies and children were there.
Ofourse they did not remember me, but I did !!!!!!
Some pictures of the little ones....
She is not a baby anymore !!!!
He speaks english now.
She is very open and tall
Somethings never change......
Also I saw the group of older children that are going to London in June to sing at the concert of Nelson Mandela.They did remember me. Was nice to see the look on their faces when they saw me.
Some more pictures.

I had a present for her from my mom and she loved it. She is wearing the neckles on this picture.

Was good to be back and I will see them soon again..........

Monday, 2 June 2008

Help where needed

On saturday Gunter received a message...Hi Friend how are you ? We are hungry we do not have food. I asked Gunter who it is.....A lady who takes care for 32 young children in a little house. First she had "only" 25 children but a woman died which left 7 children homeless. 32 children in need for food, clothes, school fees and books ect...O yes 32 children, that´s a lot.Why don´t they have food? Well she can not say no if children need help altough she has no money...........Who can??? My dad would say if you can not take care of yourself financialy how can you take care of someone else ?.............Well he is right but here your heart is working overtime and finance comes on second place. I thoughed about this lady, I thoughed she is not responsible enough, but on the other side I perfectly understand what she is doing. Ok I desided that we need to get there some basic food. We did some shopping.
6 bread
2 x 10kg rice
2 x 500gr buter
4 x 1.5 kg apples
2 x 1kg oranges
2 x 10kg potatoes
2 x 1kg onions
2 x bags meal
1 x 10kg flour
1 x 2 kg sugar beans
1 x 1kg peanut buter
6 x brown bread
Total 60 euros
I just want to let you all know that I took it out the sponsor money I got from you all.
I know this is just for one week, but we can do this more often as needed. She will try to get help from the goverment but it will be dificult as it is a lot of children in a small house with one person in charge. At this moment she can not pay any other care giver but I will see how the situation goes and maybe we can help her out with sponsor money given by you....... I hope you agree.
I met her on saturday and she is a great and responsible woman with a big heart......She just needs a little help.