Thursday, 18 February 2010

Is my father right.....he always is.........

It´s a longtime you heard from me again....a lot has been happening. As I told you besides by doing the things I am doing I also try to keep the organization Khulani Simunye running. It´s all a challenge. We had our first guest in January, 4 people form the organization “Thalente”. They help Khulani Simunye financially with school fees, registration cost etc...... and they decided to help me out as well...It´s because of them that I am able to continue what I am doing. What am I doing? Is it ok what I am doing? Is this what the people need? Am I really helping? Sometimes these questions come up. I always write about nice things that are happening because they stay the longest in my head but it is not always nice. I have been here now almost 2 years and I have met a lot of different kind of people. I have seen different kind of situations. I have seen people doing bad things to other people. People threatening each other, jealous people. People always asking for help, they are not willing to do anything. Lying people. Fake people....................but the people I felt for and that I came her to help are here also, somewhere. They are here for sure, I saw them again the other day, a teener boy trying his best to help his little brothers. The love and kindness in their eyes. But who is that person that you helped and now is taking it all for granted and gets angry when you can not help? Who is that person that you offer something and it´s not good enough? Why do I have to start watching my back? Do I have to question every step I make? Is this what I came her to do?.........
I came her for that teener boy that was not doing well and after a couple of conversations, big mistakes he made, I almost lost hope but now he is the best of his class and will continue as well as he can......That is why I am here!!!! For that boy that I have to kick his ass all the time but he still has dreams and tries to follow them, yes it cost me a lot of energy but he will get there and he appreciates it. It´s for that one that had a hard time but wants to full fill his dream and is doing great at school and is happy.
Another question I have...... I have been told not to give up my whole life for the people here in need because they are born here for a reason and I was born in Europe for another reason........Is this really true? I can not believe some one really makes a plan like that.

I can not safe the whole world but one at the time is enough..........that is what I believe in.

But still there is the question..... Is my father right when he says; What are you doing there, think about your future?...........................................

With love